Rai provides an ideal school environment that embraces the idea that ALL students can learn. Secondary level comprises of Classes 7 - 10. At Rai, it is expected that students will participate in all areas of the curriculum offered by the school. Rai expects parents to ensure their child or children attend all possible classes and complete all assessment tasks to maximize their learning opportunities and therefore their exam results. An absence due to genuine illness is, of course, understood.
Our faculty consists of teachers who are knowledgeable, care about student learning and adapt to meet the needs of the students. Our curriculum stays relevant and we make sure to provide additional course material to boost the curriculum. Our secondary school students are often enrolled in classes such as STEM and get an opportunity to take part in quality programs.
At the secondary level, Rai has socially responsible, motivated young adults who excel at academics and pursue dreams during their formative years. We provide an environment that recognizes that student success is a complex idea and has many parameters.